Sunday, March 10, 2013

House Updates

Hi All

Things have been progressing quickly with the house at last.  I think next week we will be at lock up and so I have been spending weekends shopping and trying to get quotes for bits and pieces for when hand over finally happens.
 The most important room in the house my "Scap Room".
 This is the front view - of course!
From the dining/kitchen down the hallway towards the front door. LHS doorway is my room and the RHS doorway is the scrap room.
 From the back yard facing the street.  Lounge window and the doorway is into the garage.
 The living area.
Alfresco and down the LHS of house.  Mum sticking her head out the laundry door.  (Her favourite room)
 From the dining room showing part of the kitchen and part of the lounge out to the alfresco.
 Stepping through the front door.  First doorway on the LHS is the front bedroom (Guest) and on RHS is the entrance from the garage.  Along that wall is my beautiful huge linen cupboard.
And lastly the side view of the house.

Sorry to all those people who are not looking at my site to see house photo's but as previously advised this is for my relatives and friends who are wanting updates.  Easier than emailing photo's.

Hopefully some scrapping soon.

